Balancing Chakras with Crystals 3/31/23 (original)
Crystals are energetic fields from the earth, their colors are representative of the magnetic energy they hold. Crystals are used to help inspire us and open energy fields in our bodies and around us.
There are 7 chakras from the base of the spine to the top of the head and our crystals have been chosen because each of them aligns with at least one of the 7 chakras. Their unique color composition and their natural properties provide support for chakras.
Beginning from the base (bottom):
Root Chakra (also called Muladhara)- If you are feeling off balance, disconnected or unstable, you may want to work on connecting with and opening your root chakra.
The root chakra is at the bottom of the spine, near the tailbone. In the picture above you can see the color red at the tailbone, that is the root chakra. The color red symbolizes grounding to the earth. As a plants and trees are rooted, humans must also be rooted. In order to have spiritual growth, you must root yourself. Red Agate and Tiger Eye are used for grounding, these stones encourage balance and stability.
Sacral Chakra (also called Svadhisthana)- If you don't feel creative, have a low libido, often feel tired, lack pleasure or feel disconnected from others you should probably consider working on your sacral chakra.
The sacral chakra is located at the navel. It helps tap into creativity, pleasure and feelings of connectedness with others. The color is orange and the stones Red Jasper and Sunstone represent the energy.
Solar Plexus Chakra (also called Manipura)- If you lack will power, confidence or struggle with trust, you should work on your Manipura, the Solar Plexus chakra.
The solar plexus chakra is yellow, it is located above the navel. The solar plexus is where you feel your power and confidence. As the sun is yellow and powerful, so is our solar plexus. Citrine and Tiger Eye stones will encourage balance of the solar plexus.
Heart Chakra (also called Anahata)- If you struggle with sadness, giving love, compassion or storing anger, your heart chakra may be blocked.
The heart chakra is located at the heart and is green. I like to think of it as "green for go". The heart chakra is where we find the will to give unconditional love, forgiveness and it is where we store anger, resentment and feel hurt. Storing anger and lack of forgiveness only consumes the holder and is havoc to your emotional and physical well-being. So, it is necessary to go love and forgive. The Red Agate, Green Aventurine and Amazonite stones carry the chakra color to encourage balance of the heart chakra.
Throat (also called Vishudda)- If you struggle with communication, finding your voice, speaking up for yourself, communicating your needs then you should work on your throat chakra.
The throat chakra is blue, it is where we find the power of self-expression. We express our needs, desires, pleasures and personal truth through our throat chakra. If your throat chakra is blocked, you may feel unable to express yourself and communicate who you are to others. Celestite, Amazonite and Blue Apaptite embody the colors that reflect the throat chakra.
Third Eye (also called Ajna)- If you struggle with awareness, trusting your intuition and using your imagination then you may want to work on balancing your Third Eye chakra.
Located at the forehead between the eyebrows, the Third Eye is purple. It is where perception is derived, self-awareness and intuition. Celestite, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli or Clear Quartz help balance your Third Eye Chakra.
Additionally, chakras can be blocked or overstimulated. We can lean on one area too much. For instance, maybe we give too much- heart chakra, express ourselves too much- throat chakra or are overly sexual- sacral chakra. It is about balance.
Crystals are one way to help bring balance to your life. Yoga and other forms of movement help to balance the body and open chakras. Look for my post about various yoga poses to help balance chakras.